Wednesday, June 1, 2011


The facts are in... everyone has a blog (except for my mom and maybe your mom, too).

Be prepared to delve into my personal thoughts, what makes me tick, the very core of my being... okay, that was an exaggeration, but you get my point.
I don't want this to be another pretentious "emo" blog. For the most part, things will be light-hearted and filled with lulz (most of my observations about life induce teh lulz and are intended to amuse). Occasionally, I'll try to make you think, because thinking can be amusing, too.

Since we're going to be all intimate, I guess I should say some things about myself that aren't already in the tiny box to your left.
-I attend Allegheny College in Meadville, PA. It's a tiny school in a tiny town. You run into your fair share of snobs like any other rather expensive liberal arts college, but for the most part, people are nice and interesting.
-I'm engaged. Yes, engaged. Your first thought: "SHE'S 18! SHE'S THROWING AWAY HER FUTURE! DOESN'T SHE WATCH JERRY SPRINGER?!?!" And no, I'm not dropping out of school or procreating. We both agreed on a long engagement (until we're both out of school), so the wedding date has been set for 2015. And yes, he's a very good guy. (: The best guy.
-I have the weirdest yet coolest family. You'll find out about them later; I won't spoil the fun. 
-I have awesome friends. Sure, everyone has awesome friends, but I think mine are at an even higher level of awesome because they put up with me.
-I am a biology major, and I intend on pursuing a career in genetics.
-I know this blog won't make me famous :( It's just for funsies.
-I can't draw very well on a computer... but I might have some illustrations in here (or at least things I draw on).

Yeah, I know that was bad.
-I won't update this every day. I got stuff to do (sorta), y'know?
You'll find out more things later.

So anyway, yes, this is my blog.
And I'm Tay.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ack, I accidentally deleted my own post! X( Anyway...

    I never knew you were engaged! That's awesome! Congratulations, girly! :D

    And the trick with drawing well on the computer is either a digitizing tablet or plenty of patience. Eventually, I'll need to show you one of my Paint drawings I did with just a mouse. ;)

    Love you! <3

    (In case my username throws you off, I am the Muslim girl who recently graduated from Allegheny. Don't give out my name! ^_^)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Heyy girlie! Yes, I know who you are. ;) Haha. But I'll keep it anonymous.
    Thanks! Since mid-December. (:
    I will need patience, haha. And love you too <3
